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37 tools found.

RepRisk is an ESG risk database that helps to systematically screen and monitor companies’ portfolios of clients, investments and suppliers, and flag those companies with high ESG risk exposure. The tool systematically captures and analyzes adverse ESG and business conduct data, retrieved from media, stakeholders and other public resources, that can have a reputational, compliance, and financial impact on a company or project. Daily, the tool screens more than 90,000 sources in 20 languages by combining artificial and human intelligence to identify and assess risks early at the local, regional, and international level. Additional solutions to measure individual risks are available.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: Economic / Financial ValuationsAnalyses the economic/financial value and risks related to projects.
Organization: RepRisk AG

The OECD blended finance guidance focuses on designing blended finance to increase the mobilization of commercial finance. It highlights sub-sector specific considerations for blended finance use in clean energy projects, specifically exploring off-grid clean energy systems, energy efficiency, utility-scale renewables, and several other clean energy and integration technologies, including battery storage, green hydrogen, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. It also draws attention to the common risks, climate finance may help overcome for these clean energy infrastructures. 

Sector(s): Energy
Lifecycle Phase(s): Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: GuidelinesOperationalize sustainability principles, less specific than Benchmarks or Rating Systems.
Organization: OECD

Macroeconomic modelling for climate resilient economic development (CRED) bridges the gap between economic planning and climate adaptation policies. By assessing the long-term economic effects of climate risks and adaptation measures, the tool provides additional information for decisionmakers on how to prioritise investments in adaptation. Thus, decisionmakers can compare different adaptation options with a view to reduce economic risks from climate change. The tool allows to analyse economy-wide impacts (e.g. on GDP, employment) of (1) different climate hazards on the infrastructure sector and (2) different resilient infrastructure options as adaptation measures. If a country does not yet have a macroeconomic model of climate risks, GIZ’s CRED approach can be used to develop such a model or preferably expand existing national models.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: Economic / Financial ValuationsAnalyses the economic/financial value and risks related to projects., Modelling ToolsSimulate economic, social, and physical systems to help planners optimize outcomes from different decisions., Impact AssessmentsEvaluate the impacts of assets or policies on the environment and local livelihoods.
Organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The Green Recovery Tracker platform provides concise information on national recovery measures in EU member states and assesses their contribution to the green transition. It offers evidence-based information to policy- and decision-makers in European and national institutions as well as in other organisations.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: Impact AssessmentsEvaluate the impacts of assets or policies on the environment and local livelihoods.

The Global Recovery Observatory brings transparency to global government spending during the COVID-19 crisis. It tracks and assesses every individual COVID-19 related fiscal spending policy announced by the 50 leading economies (more countries to be added) for potential impacts on the environment and the socio-economy. The Observatory database is updated weekly.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: Impact AssessmentsEvaluate the impacts of assets or policies on the environment and local livelihoods.
Organization: IMF, UNEP, GIZ, Oxford University

This guidance on gender mainstreaming in transport and roads provides specific ‘how-to’ guidance together with checklists across the project lifespan in four subsectors (roads, non-motorized transport and pedestrian infrastructure, transport systems, and ports), with context-specific Asia and Pacific regional information and case studies to showcase what socially-inclusive and gender-equitable infrastructure designs look like on the ground. It is part of a practical series of how-to guides and checklists specific to the Asia-Pacific region.

Sector(s): Transportation
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time.
Type(s) of Tool: GuidelinesOperationalize sustainability principles, less specific than Benchmarks or Rating Systems.
Organization: UN Women, UNOPS

This guide introduces to the United Nations gender mainstreaming principles; why it is important to mainstream gender; the business case for gender mainstreaming; and an overview of the project life cycle. The document describes in detail each stage of the project life cycle and addresses key gender mainstreaming and social inclusion considerations. It is part of a practical series of how-to guides and checklists specific to the Asia-Pacific region.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time.
Type(s) of Tool: GuidelinesOperationalize sustainability principles, less specific than Benchmarks or Rating Systems.
Organization: UN Women, UNOPS

The PPP Reference Guide helps users to navigate the abundant knowledge on Public Private Partnerships. The Guide introduces key topics on PPP, sets forth options and directs users to implementation examples and references. The three modules of the Guide (1) explain the reasons for using PPPs, (2) point to the necessary policy, legal and institutional frameworks to ensure that PPPs achieve their objectives and (3) provide an overview of the development and implementation processes of PPPs.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Enabling EnvironmentConditions that enable the integration of sustainability practices (regulation, laws, frameworks etc.)., Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: World Bank

The report “A Common Set of Aligned Sustainable Infrastructure Indicators (SII)” identifies the sixteen common elements used by multilateral development banks to define sustainable infrastructure practices across the quadruple bottom line. The SII provides insights into how stakeholders can incorporate the indicators into their infrastructure projects and monitor sustainability performance throughout the infrastructure lifecycle. Moreover, the SII sets forth how reaching the sustainability indicators can help mobilize public and private investments.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Enabling EnvironmentConditions that enable the integration of sustainability practices (regulation, laws, frameworks etc.)., Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: PrinciplesSupport sustainability incorporation at institutional or strategic level, less specific than Guidelines.
Organization: MDB Infrastructure Cooperation Platform

The Attributes and Framework for Sustainable Infrastructure contributes to developing a shared understanding of the key dimensions and attributes that together define sustainable infrastructure, based on the propositions that sustainability of infrastructure must consider the benefits and costs of investment over the entire lifecycle and that sustainability must be assessed across all relevant dimensions (economic / financial, environmental, social and institutional). The paper then sets out the detailed attributes that constitute the elements of each of these four dimensions.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Enabling EnvironmentConditions that enable the integration of sustainability practices (regulation, laws, frameworks etc.)., Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: PrinciplesSupport sustainability incorporation at institutional or strategic level, less specific than Guidelines.
Organization: Inter-American Development Bank IDB

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