The DGNB System for Districts is a planning and optimization tool which helps to create sustainable and livable districts. There are three types of certifications available across the project lifecycle: (1) a pre-certification for urban development plans, (2) a certificate for planning and development of projects that are at least 25% completed and (3) a final certificate for districts that are at least 75% completed. Assessments are undertaken by independent, DNGB-trained auditors. A final conformity check is undertaken by DGNB before the award of the certification.
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.