Benchmarking Infrastructure Development 2020
Type(s) of Tool
Lifecycle Phase(s)
Open Source
Language Availability
Country of Origin
Date of Development
The report „Benchmarking Infrastructure Development 2020“ assesses the regulatory quality of large infrastructure projects through both Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and Traditional Public Investments (TPIs) in 140 and 40 economies respectively. The corresponding online platform highlights the key findings resulting from the data, organized around the infrastructure project cycle phases (regulatory & institutional framework, preparation, procurement, contract management, management of unsolicited proposals, infrastructure asset management). By providing actionable indicators, the tool supports evidence-based regulatory reforms to improve the enabling environment for developing quality infrastructure projects.
Tool Outcome
The tool displays the regulatory quality of large infrastructure projects through PPPs and TPIs and highlights the key findings resulting from the data, organized around the infrastructure project cycle phases. Countries are assigned a point score (X out of 100) for TPI and PPP regulatory quality for every project phase and a comparison to the global, regional and income group average. The information can be used to encourage evidence-based regulatory reforms, thereby contributing to minimizing chronical infrastructure gaps.
Sustainability Criteria
The assessment is based on a large catalogue of questions around the project phases, which are:
For TPI regulation:
– Regulatory & institutional framework
– reparation
– Procurement
– Contract management
– Infrastructure asset management
For PPP regulation:
– Regulatory & institutional framework
– Preparation
– Procurement
– Contract management
– Management of unsolicited proposals