Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
Type(s) of Tool
Lifecycle Phase(s)
Open Source
Language Availability
Country of Origin
Date of Development
DJSI is a family of benchmarks that evaluates the sustainability of leading companies across economic, environmental and social criteria. The DJSI has evolved into a platform that invites companies of the S&P Global BMI to take part in the assessment which measures the companies’ performances and benchmarks this information with other peers from the same industry. The top 10 – 30 % of the most sustainable market caps per industry are selected based on their sustainability scores (percentage depends on individual index). Indices are available for the World, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Emerging Markets, Korea, Australia, Chile and the Pacific Alliance.
Tool Outcome
The individual indices highlight the top 10 – 30 % of the most sustainable companies of the S&P Global BMI per industry. This allows investors to gain a better understanding of a company’s quality of management and future performance potential and provides guidance for integrating sustainability into their investment portfolios.
Sustainability Criteria
Assessments are based on industry-specific criteria.