Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures (ESAP)
Type(s) of Tool
Lifecycle Phase(s)
Open Source
Language Availability
Country of Origin
Date of Development
The African Development Bank’s Environmental and Social Assessment Procedures (ESAP) support the integration of environmental, climate change and social considerations in projects and programs of the Bank and its borrowers. The ESAP describe the assessment procedure for different project types and across the full lifecycle from country programming to post completion. Thereby, the ESAP support decision-making and improvement of project results, ensuring that Bank-financed operations conform to the requirements laid out in the operational safeguards (OS) and are thus sustainable.
Tool Outcome
The adoption and implementation of the ESAP help enhance the environmental and social performance of the Bank’s operations and improve project outcomes. Moreover, effective implementation of the ESAP helps avoid incurring costs and implementation delays as a result of unanticipated problems and reduces the need for project conditionality as remedial measures can be taken in advance and incorporated into project design or project alternatives can be considered.
Sustainability Criteria
Evaluation areas depend on the nature and scale of projects and programs. They include:
– Environmental and social assessment
– Involuntary resettlement: land acquisition, population displacement and compensation
– Biodiversity and ecosystem services
– Pollution prevention and control, greenhouse gases, hazardous materials and resource efficiency
– Labour conditions, health and safety