Multimodal Transport Hubs – Good Practice Guidelines
Type(s) of Tool
Lifecycle Phase(s)
Open Source
Language Availability
Country of Origin
Date of Development
The document provides guidelines regarding best practices for the construction of multimodal transport hubs with a particular focus on the inclusion of governance, digitalization and gender aspects in the planning process. The term multimodal transport hubs (MTH) refers to a building and an urban space, and translates into different realities, functions and practices on the ground. In cities of the Global South, interchange hubs can take the form of railway stations, underground stations, urban bus terminals or simple stops connected to other, sometimes informal, transport networks.
Tool Outcome
Sustainable multimodal transport hubs have been established.
Sustainability Criteria
The guidelines emphasize particularly the importance of:
– Gender Inclusion
– Good Governance
– Urban Fit
– Giving equitable access to employment and income
– Safety