PIEVC High Level Screening
Type(s) of Tool
Lifecycle Phase(s)
Open Source
Language Availability
Country of Origin
Date of Development
The PIEVC (Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee) Protocol was first developed in 2005 by Engineers Canada (Canada’s Engineering Association). In 2012, the PIEVC got divested hat been taken over by a consortium (ICLR, CRI and GIZ). PIEVC is a 5 to 8 step climate risk assessment protocol for all types of physical infrastructure to be applyed either in early plannig stages or throughout operations and maintenance. Since 2005, it has been applyed more than 200 times, including applications outside Canada in Brazil, Costa Rica, Vietnam and the Nile Basin region.
Tool Outcome
The PIEVC supports political decision makers, infrastructure owners and operators as well as engineers (climate information services are needed). PIEVC is structured as a 4,5 or 8 step method to assess all different kinds of physical infrastructure. Currently there are 3 different PIEVC methods, either to be used as a High Level Secreening, PIEVC (with a detailed engienering analysis), PIEVC (including a triple bottom line and socio-economic analysis), as well as a PIEVC Portfolio Screening (asset portfolios). Based on ISO 31,000 and ISO 14,091 it provides a risk matrix (current and future) and can provide adaptation options.
Sustainability Criteria