Toolkit for developing National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMPs)

Toolkit for developing National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMPs)


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Type(s) of Tool

Project Preparation ToolsHelp public authorities manage sustainable project preparation processes.


Urban Planning, Transportation

Lifecycle Phase(s)

Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design.

Open Source


Language Availability


Country of Origin


Date of Development





The development of National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes can be a useful process to facilitate a more coordinated approach to urban mobility policy, planning and investment. The tool kit was designed complementary to the “National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMP) – Guidelines” and provides additional resources for the different phases of drafting a national urban mobility policy.

Tool Outcome

National governments have a coherent national urban mobility plan in place.

Sustainability Criteria

Sustainability considerations for drafting a national urban mobility policy include:
– Clean and healthy cities and emission reductions from mobility activities, both for GHG emissions and local pollutants,
– Energy security, increased energy efficiency and use of renewable energies in the urban mobility sector,
– Social justice, enhanced accessibility to jobs, markets, services, and social networks, particularly for disadvantaged groups,
– Affordability and quality of mobility services, including safety concerns, particularly for vulnerable groups,
– Efficient, sustainable and climate-resilient mobility infrastructure,
– Good quality jobs in mobility services, and
– Innovation and economic development from low-carbon mobility technologies and services.


Urban Development