Vermont Transportation Resilience Planning Tool (TRPT)
Type(s) of Tool
Lifecycle Phase(s)
Open Source
Language Availability
Country of Origin
Date of Development
The Vermont Transportation Resilience Planning Tool (TRPT) is a web-based application that helps integrate climate risk and transportation resiliency into Vermont’s Transportation System’s (VTrans) planning process. The TRPT combines river science, hydraulics and transportation planning methods to help VTrans understand the vulnerability of their transportation systems to impacts of climate change and extreme weather and identify and prioritize mitigation strategies for the impacts of future damages in the most critical, highest risk locations. Key features of the tool include a mapping service for viewing spatial datasets, graphical data for summary analyses, and tabular display of mitigation alternatives for at-risk transportation assets.
Tool Outcome
Display the results of vulnerability, criticality/transportation modeling, risk, and mitigation strategies assessments in these watersheds, and allow users to review these data for three flood sizes (10-year, 50-year, and 100-year; or 10%, 2%, and 1% chance annual recurrence interval) and three processes (inundation, erosion, and deposition). Key features include a map service for viewing spatial datasets, graphical data for summary analyses, and tabular display of mitigation alternatives for at-risk transportation assets.