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37 tools found.

The Environmental and Social Performance Standards of the International Finance Coalition (IFC) define IFC clients’ responsibilities for managing the environmental and social risks of their projects. The Performance Standards provide guidance on how to identify risks and impacts and are designed to help avoid, mitigate and manage risks and impacts as a way of doing business in a more sustainable way. Since 2012, the Standards apply to all IFC clients whose projects go through IFC’s initial credit review process.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline.
Type(s) of Tool: StandardsProvide information about the compliance of projects or assets with a given set of sustainability criteria.
Organization: International Finance Corporation (IFC) World Bank Group

GRESB Infrastructure Assessment scores and benchmarks the ESG performance of investment portfolios and infrastructure assets. The tool consists of two complementary assessments: (1) The GRESB Fund Assessment within which participating funds are scored and benchmarked against each other. A report on fund performance is published once a year in October and informs investors’ decision making. (2) The GRESB Assets Assessment evaluates the ESG management and performance of single or multiple infrastructure assets. Assets are scored and benchmarked against each other. An optional Resilience Module can be added to both types of assessments.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time.
Type(s) of Tool: Sustainability BenchmarksCompare the sustainability performance of assets or funds.
Organization: GRESB Foundation

GBP is a set of principles developed to promote integrity in the Green Bond market through guidelines that recommend transparency, disclosure, and reporting. The GBP recommend a clear process and disclosure for issuers, which investors, banks, underwriters, placement agents and others may use to understand the characteristics of any given Green Bond. The evaluation of the use of proceeds represents the core of the GBP, listing a selection of sectors that qualify for green bonds under the GBP such as renewable energy, clean transportation, green buildings, climate change adaptation and many more.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: PrinciplesSupport sustainability incorporation at institutional or strategic level, less specific than Guidelines.
Organization: International Capital Market Association (ICMA)

The G7 Ise-Shima Principles for Promoting Quality Infrastructure Investment are a set of five principles covering governance, economic, social and environmental impacts, alignment with economic development and effective resource mobilization. Serving as self-commitment for the G7 and as a guide for further governments, international organizations, MDBs and the private sector, the high-level principles aim to promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth and to address the existing global demand-supply gap of infrastructure investments while enhancing resilience, and contributing to the global efforts for the SDGs.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: PrinciplesSupport sustainability incorporation at institutional or strategic level, less specific than Guidelines.
Organization: The Group of Seven (G7)

The Equator Principles (EP) are a risk management framework for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in projects that can be adopted by financial institutions. The tool provides a minimum standard for due diligence to support responsible risk decision-making. The EP apply globally, to all industry sectors and to four types of financial products: (1) project finance advisory services; (2) project finance; (3) project-related corporate loans; (4) bridge loans. Financial institutions can officially commit to the adoption of the EP.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline.
Type(s) of Tool: PrinciplesSupport sustainability incorporation at institutional or strategic level, less specific than Guidelines.
Organization: Equator Principles Association

The World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) sets out the World Bank’s commitment to sustainable development through a Bank Policy and a set of environmental and social standards that enable borrowers to better manage environmental and social risks of projects and to improve development outcomes. The tool offers an assessment of environmental and social risks and impacts of projects throughout the project life cycle in a systematic manner proportionate to the nature and scale of the project and the potential risks and impacts. Since 2018, the framework applies to all World Bank investment project financing.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline.
Type(s) of Tool: GuidelinesOperationalize sustainability principles, less specific than Benchmarks or Rating Systems.
Organization: The World Bank Group

The Climate Bonds Standard is an environmental standard to certify bonds that prioritize projects addressing climate change and to support investors in aligning investments decisions with climate goals. The tool is made up of two parts; (1) the parent standard detailing management and reporting processes and (2) a suite of sector criteria detailing the requirements to be eligible for certification. Based on independent verification reports, the tool allows to certify bonds already prior to issuance, requiring follow through for post-issuance certification. Issuers must report at least annually on the projects and assets funded by the bond, their eligibility and use of proceeds.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: StandardsProvide information about the compliance of projects or assets with a given set of sustainability criteria.
Organization: Climate Bonds Initiative

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