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81 tools found.

The Green Building Index (GBI) is Malaysia’s recognized green rating system to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise awareness about environmental issues and responsibility to the future generations. The tool provides an opportunity for project developers and owners to improve green design and construction. The GBI assessment for buildings evaluates the environmental design and performance of buildings. The evaluation process consists of a Planning Assessment, a Final Planning Assessment, resulting in a pre-certification, and a Completion & Verification Assessment, resulting in a final certification. To maintain the certification, reassessments are required every three years.

Sector(s): Buildings
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: Greenbuildingindex Sdn Bhd

The Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) is a performance-based system developed for rating green buildings and infrastructures. The primary objective of GSAS is to create a sustainable built environment that minimizes ecological impacts and reduces resource use, considering the specific needs and context of the Middle East and North Africa regions (MENA). The purpose of GSAS Design & Build Parks Scheme is to provide recommendations and guidance for the effective implementation of sustainability goals within park projects.

Sector(s): Natural Infrastructure
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD´s)

The DGNB System for Buildings is a planning and optimization tool for sustainable buildings. The tool evaluates the environmental, economic, sociocultural / functional, technical and process quality of projects. There are different types of certifications available across the life cycle of buildings: (1) DNGB pre-certification for new constructions, (2) DNGB certificate for new constructions, (3) DNGB certificate for buildings in use (plus a recertification option), (4) DNBG certificate for existing buildings, (5) DNGB certificate for renovated buildings and (6) DNGB certificate for dismantling. Assessments are undertaken by independent, DNGB-trained auditors. DNGB undertakes a final conformity check before the certification is awarded.

Sector(s): Buildings
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time., Decomissioning/RepurposingObsolete infrastructure assets are repurposed, recycled or removed and the land is reused or restored.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: German Sustainable Building Council

The Good Practice Handbook on Cumulative Impact Assessments (CIAs) proposes a six-step process to assist private sector companies in emerging markets in identifying and managing the cumulative impacts and risks related to their business activities. CIAs analyze the cumulative impacts on valued environmental and social components generated by a planned project or activity in combination with multiple other projects, actions and activities. This way, the assessment reflects the geographical and temporal context in which the effects are aggregating and interacting. The tool should be used in combination with the IFC Performance Standards and the World Bank Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed.
Type(s) of Tool: Impact AssessmentsEvaluate the impacts of assets or policies on the environment and local livelihoods.
Organization: International Finance Corporation IFC

The Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) helps to understand sustainability conditions of cities across environmental, social and economic aspects. It measures the sustainability of buildings across diverse quality criteria against the environmental load defined as CO2 emissions per capita per year. The resulting sustainability qualification supports the development of effective sustainability measures. The CASBEE tool family for building scale offers a broad range of assessments for single buildings, including new constructions (CASBEE-NC), existing buildings (CASBEE-EB), renovation (CASBEE-RN) and temporary construction (CASBEE-TC), among others.

Sector(s): Buildings
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: Promotion Council of Low Carbon Cities (PCLCC), Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (IBEC)

BREEAM Buildings Technical Standard is a sustainability assessment method for the building sector with individual standards for (1) New Constructions, (2) In-Use Buildings and (3) Refurbishments. The tool assesses the environmental, social and economic sustainability performance of buildings, with the aim to enhance buildings’ economic and social value whilst mitigating environmental impacts and enhancing user satisfaction. After the assessment, an independent third-party verification takes place and successful projects receive certification. A pre-approval version for planning processes is available.

Sector(s): Buildings
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time., Decomissioning/RepurposingObsolete infrastructure assets are repurposed, recycled or removed and the land is reused or restored.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: Building Research Establishment Ltd (BRE)

BEAM Plus Neighbourhood assesses the sustainability performance of neighbourhood development projects applying a holistic approach. The tool concerns the design of space between buildings and places emphasis on socio-economic elements, thereby supporting the creation of sustainable neighbourhoods with a vibrant public realm. Applied at early stage, it helps to engage with communities and key stakeholders during project development and to save resources through effective early stage sustainability planning. The performance of projects is rated with a point scoring that can result in a third-party verified certification.

Sector(s): Urban Planning
Lifecycle Phase(s): Enabling EnvironmentConditions that enable the integration of sustainability practices (regulation, laws, frameworks etc.)., Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)

BEAM Plus Buildings supports the reduction of environmental impacts of new buildings of any type (residential, commercial and industrial), while at the same time improving environmental quality and user satisfaction. The assessment can also be used when planning for a major refurbishment or alteration, including wholesale or partial conversion. The performance of buildings is rated with a point scoring that can result in a certification. A provisional assessment version and a version for existing building (BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0), including a comprehensive and a selective scheme option for individual adjustments, are available.

Sector(s): Buildings
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., ProcurementThe provision of goods and services to realize a project are tendered and closed., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time., Decomissioning/RepurposingObsolete infrastructure assets are repurposed, recycled or removed and the land is reused or restored.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)

The Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) for Cities helps to understand sustainability conditions of cities across environmental, social and economic aspects. It measures the sustainability of cities according to quality criteria against the environmental load of the city defined as CO2 emissions per capita per year. The resulting sustainability qualification supports cities in the development of effective sustainability measures. The CASBEE for Urban Development (CASBEE-UD) tool is a standalone version developed for the assessment of partial or whole groups of buildings on a smaller scale than CASBEE for Cities.

Sector(s): Urban Planning
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time.
Type(s) of Tool: Rating SystemsProvide quantifiable sustainability ratings and / or certification for projects or assets.
Organization: Promotion Council of Low Carbon Cities (PCLCC), Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (IBEC)

The Vermont Transportation Resilience Planning Tool (TRPT) is a web-based application that helps integrate climate risk and transportation resiliency into Vermont’s Transportation System’s (VTrans) planning process. The TRPT combines river science, hydraulics and transportation planning methods to help VTrans understand the vulnerability of their transportation systems to impacts of climate change and extreme weather and identify and prioritize mitigation strategies for the impacts of future damages in the most critical, highest risk locations. Key features of the tool include a mapping service for viewing spatial datasets, graphical data for summary analyses, and tabular display of mitigation alternatives for at-risk transportation assets.

Sector(s): Transportation
Lifecycle Phase(s): Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time.
Type(s) of Tool: Project Preparation ToolsHelp public authorities manage sustainable project preparation processes.
Organization: Agency of Transportation - State of Vermont, USA

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