Macroeconomic modelling for climate resilient economic development (CRED) bridges the gap between economic planning and climate adaptation policies. By assessing the long-term economic effects of climate risks and adaptation measures, the tool provides additional information for decisionmakers on how to prioritise investments in adaptation. Thus, decisionmakers can compare different adaptation options with a view to reduce economic risks from climate change. The tool allows to analyse economy-wide impacts (e.g. on GDP, employment) of (1) different climate hazards on the infrastructure sector and (2) different resilient infrastructure options as adaptation measures. If a country does not yet have a macroeconomic model of climate risks, GIZ’s CRED approach can be used to develop such a model or preferably expand existing national models.

Sector(s): Tools applicable to all sectors
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., FinanceDevelopers decide how to pay for their project.
Type(s) of Tool: Economic / Financial ValuationsAnalyses the economic/financial value and risks related to projects., Modelling ToolsSimulate economic, social, and physical systems to help planners optimize outcomes from different decisions., Impact AssessmentsEvaluate the impacts of assets or policies on the environment and local livelihoods.
Organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

The document provides guidelines regarding best practices for the construction of multimodal transport hubs with a particular focus on the inclusion of governance, digitalization and gender aspects in the planning process. The term multimodal transport hubs (MTH) refers to a building and an urban space, and translates into different realities, functions and practices on the ground. In cities of the Global South, interchange hubs can take the form of railway stations, underground stations, urban bus terminals or simple stops connected to other, sometimes informal, transport networks.

Sector(s): Transportation
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., PrioritizationAuthorities decide which projects to realize and how to allocate resources., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics.
Type(s) of Tool: GuidelinesOperationalize sustainability principles, less specific than Benchmarks or Rating Systems.
Organization: Agence française de développement (AFD)

The calculator supports cities and countries project the GHG Impact of their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and National Urban Mobility Policies (NUMPs). The MYC Emissions Calculator aims at helping developing countries and cities to calculate transport GHG emissions for a reference year and Business-as-usual scenario (BAU) as well as a climate scenario with emission reductions from mitigation measures – the so called climate scenario. As a result, the tool provides data on the calculated transport demand, energy consumption and GHG emissions.

Sector(s): Transportation
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design.
Type(s) of Tool: Modelling ToolsSimulate economic, social, and physical systems to help planners optimize outcomes from different decisions.
Organization: MobiliseYourCity

The Guidelines provide practical support for solar and wind energy developments by effectively managing risks and improving overall outcomes related to biodiversity and ecosystem services. They are industry-focused and can be applied across the whole project development life cycle, from early planning through to decommissioning and repowering, using the mitigation hierarchy as a clear framework for planning and implementation. The mitigation hierarchy is applied to direct, indirect and cumulative impacts. An in-document Annex contains 33 case studies across the three technologies, and an additional separate annex provides additional resources to mitigate impacts associated with solar and wind energy.

Sector(s): Energy
Lifecycle Phase(s): Strategic PlanningPublic authorities identify the needs and long-term vision for infrastructure development., Project PlanningGeneral strategy for a project’s delivery is developed., Concept DesignTechnical experts broadly outline the project’s basic characteristics., Detailed DesignTechnical experts further elaborate the Concept Design., ConstructionThe asset is constructed in line with design, budget and timeline., Operation and MaintenanceInfrastructure assets are managed and maintained during their use time., Decomissioning/RepurposingObsolete infrastructure assets are repurposed, recycled or removed and the land is reused or restored.
Type(s) of Tool: GuidelinesOperationalize sustainability principles, less specific than Benchmarks or Rating Systems.
Organization: IUCN & The Biodiversity Consultancy